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We accept as real the social construction of race and the direct, collateral, and intersectional effects of individual and systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism and other ways of oppressive power. We also believe in the power of community spaces to name, disrupt, and offer healing from dehumanizing lived-experiences.
We subscribe to feminist epistemologies specifically to phenomenological understandings of embodied ways of knowing. Too long has our paternalistic, capitalistic, global society denied the wrongness or existence of forces we intuitively know to be wrong.
Though we might take up righteous aims of social justice, this does not preclude any of us from perpetuating oppression. Therefore, we value modeling humanizing behaviors.
Additionally, we value equitable participation in group discussions. I facilitate an informal environment but ensure participants are heard, and as needed, we call-in members, including myself, to understand alternative perspectives.